Realm of the Wolf Halloween Giveaway
To celebrate the release of the first two books in the Realm of the Wolf Series I am giving away a DVD and T-Shirt. To enter, visit and signup for my monthly newsletter. Those that are already subscribers will be automatically entered in this giveaway.
Wolf Dance
Realm of the Wolf: Wolf Dance is due to be released on October 29 in electronic format; it is also scheduled to go to be available in print in December 2010. At this time I am busy working on the next book of this series, and will release more details about the third book of the Realm of the Wolf series sometime after the first of the year.
Moon Calling
Realm of the Wolf: Moon Calling will be released in December, and will be available in electronic format.
Highway 666 – The Devil’s Road
In the spirit of the season I thought I would include a story about a local legend.
The stretch of highway that was once known as Route 666, is known for being one of the spookiest roads in America. For years there have been stories of phantoms on this road and unfortunate accidents. Today this highway is known as Highway 191, but the eerie stories continue.
Over the years many people have reported encounters with UFOs on this road, packs of demon dogs, and a phantom trucker that tries to run people down. There have also been many stories about a young girl wearing a nightgown that see walking down the side of the road. When they stop to ask the girl if she needs assistance, she vanishes. When traveling down this road a number of people have reported looking into their rearview mirrors to see someone riding in the back seat, when there should be no one there.
Many of the local people claim that you will encounter Skinwalkers on this road, which are though to be evil medicine men that have the abilities of shapeshifters.