I have had a few emails of people who are concerned about the Annunaki being portrayed in a more positive light in “Song of the Annunaki” so I have decided to address this issue. Song of the Annunaki is purely a work of fiction and meant for entertainment purposes only.
I am well aware that the Annunaki are a controversial subject in some circles. There are a few who believe them to be demons, while some think that they are evil extra terrestrials. All that is known about them for sure is that they were the Gods of the ancient Sumerians.
It is my opinion that if the Annunaki were physical beings who interfered in the evolution of mankind hundreds of the thousands of years ago, they certainly had the ability to destroy all the people on this planet without a great deal of fuss. Taking this into account, I do not know if it is necessarily correct to assume that they were, or are, some type of evil beings. After all, we are still here. It is not fair to lay the troubles of mankind on the doorstep of some mythical Gods, regardless of if they were real physical beings or the deities of ancient people. It is mankind who has made our world what it is today.
If the Sumerian Texts tell an account of historical fact as apposed to myth, then I believe it is fair to say that the Annunaki did nothing much different than what modern humans have and probably would do if given the chance. We know from history, as well as current events, what humans are capable of, but does that make the entire species evil? I would think no more than it would any other.
In “Song of the Annunaki”, these aliens are no different than vampires or werewolves; they come from a world of myth. This is a work of fiction and not meant to indicate if they were real in a physical sense, or what their nature was.
With that said, I hope those of you who like a good story will enjoy “Song of the Annunaki.”
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