Lorraine Kennedy

Lorraine Kennedy

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Seducing the Wolf Excerpt

Short Story
Rating: Sizzling - Very detailed sexual encounters with graphic language that some may find offensive. Some graphic violence.
The wolf’s hunger is insatiable, and Emma is what he craves most of all. Ten years ago a stranger saved Emma’s life, and when he kissed her, he awoke a yearning that no other man can satisfy. Every year she comes back to her hometown in the Ozark Mountains, looking for Jeremiah, the legend of Lightning Ridge. The locals say he is a werewolf that lives deep in the mountains, but no one has ever seen him … that is except Emma.

Emma knows that the legend of Lightning Ridge is true … and she intends to find Jeremiah, but when she does, she may not be prepared for the hunger that consumes him.


Frantically she grabbed for low-lying branches, struggling against the wind. The storm had come out of nowhere - bringing with it, plummeting rains and wind.

When the first streaks of lightning illuminated the sky, Emma had known it was time to start back down the mountain, but when she’d tried to cross the bridge, it had been there … waiting. Since she’d crossed the river earlier, the wolf had been trailing her. It had kept to the shadows of the trees … watching. She’d gotten a brief glimpse, but it had quickly slipped out of sight into the thicket.

The wolf had made no threatening moves toward her … until now. It stood in the middle of the bridge, blocking her escape. Even over the wind she could hear its angry - hungry growls.

She would have to get across the river to get back down the mountain, and soon too. The river could wash the bridge away at any moment.

The large wolf took a step in her direction and Emma froze in place, not daring to move … barely able to breathe. Baring its teeth, the animal lunged toward her, but just at that moment there was a deafening crack and the bridge gave way to the rain swollen river.

The raging current pulled her under, but she managed to fight her way to the surface. Emma could feel sharp teeth biting at her clothes. The icy water closed off her breath, and her vision blurred until she could see nothing but darkness.

In her next moment of awareness, she was choking and gasping for air. When she could finally make her lungs work, Emma realized that she was no longer in the water, but resting on the riverbank. The rain had letup, but the wind still howled - drowned out by an occasional peal of thunder.

Instinctively Emma knew she wasn’t alone. She felt his presence close by.

A streak of lightning ripped across the darkened sky, illuminating the figure that stood over her. He was large, easily over six feet.

“Jeremiah!” she gasped.

The man continued to stare down at her, but said nothing.

“I’ve come to help you.”

He reached out to take her hand and pull her to her feet. “I’ve taken you to the other side of the river … you can now get off the mountain.”

Now that Emma was standing, she could see him more clearly. The wind whipped at his long hair, creating an ethereal image. He had one of the most handsome faces she’d ever seen, but it was his eyes that held her transfixed. They were almost gold in color, and seemed to glow, as if they held a light of their own. Glancing down, she became aware that he wore no clothing.

Emma gasped - not because he had no clothes, but because he was pure perfection. He was lean and hard, so much so that she could actually see the contours of his muscles beneath his skin as he moved.

A predator!

That’s what came to mind as she watched him. She was in awe of his graceful movements, and those eyes - so haunting - so mesmerizing.

Though she tried, Emma couldn’t help but take just a quick peek at what hung between his legs. At the sight of his abundant male endowment, she felt her heart skip a beat.

Emma looked away quickly so that he wouldn’t guess what she’d been thinking. “Jeremiah, I know it’s you. Please let me help you,” she pleaded.

Without warning, he pulled her into his arms. Her body trembled as his mouth came down on her lips. His tongue sought hers, and as he kissed her, an explosive energy seemed to engulf them.

She swayed on her feet when he released her.

“You can’t help me,” he told her before turning and walking away.

Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as other online retailers.

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