Lorraine Kennedy

Lorraine Kennedy

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Song of the Annunaki

© copyright September 2006, Lorraine Kennedy
Cover art by Eliza Black, © copyright September 2006
ISBN 1-58608-957-9
New Concepts Publishing
Rating: Contains violence, adult language, and graphic sex.
I will be adding information about upcoming releases as well as backlist work. Below is an excerpt of my latest release. “Song of the Annunaki”

The ancient Sumerian Gods are about to make their presence known. For thousands of years the Annunaki have been watching and waiting; now the time has come for the earth to be cleansed once again.Pulling the blankets up around her neck, Samura stared wide-eyed at the mist seeping from the cracks of the closed bedroom door. Thick, twisting, swirling mist that pulsated and breathed as if it were alive. Crawling across the hardwood floor, the mist radiated a greenish luminous light that cast the small room into a surreal nightmare world.
The mist whirled and danced, forming the image of otherworldly fingers that reached from the floor to twist around her ankles and wrists. She could not move.
She could not so much as squeak in protest. The invasive mist had robbed her of her voice, paralyzing her limbs until she was no more than an infant at the mercy of the unknown.
Behind the door a bright light invaded the smallest opening with the power of a thousand suns, a brilliance that tore through her eyes, sending tendrils of excruciating pain into her brain.
Samura could feel her body lift off from the mattress to hang suspended in midair. Long, shimmering strands of dark hair hung from her head, coming to rest on the pillow below her.
The temperature in the room dropped, covering her with a chill that pervaded the warmth of her white cotton nightgown to send shivers through her body. Her breaths were shallow, allowing only the smallest wisps of warmth to escape into the chilled room, delivering puffs of fog from her lips. Slowly her body began to move to the door. Her terror was absolute, its grasp tightening around her throat until it was burrowing down into her stomach. The sickening feeling of bile reached up from her gut, consuming her. Only with sheer willpower she was able to force the feeling away.
The little white door that had offered so much protection a short while ago was gone, replaced with a cavernous hole. What lie behind that distorted doorway was the unknown . . . What lie outside that door existed beyond the sight of many, visible to only the few.
With liquid smooth motion her body was lifted upright until she was in a standing position. Samura's soul screamed in protest as she inched closer and closer to that void of oblivion beyond the doorway. Her heart knew that to go through that opening would be to look upon the truth . . . a truth that she was not prepared to see . . . a reality that could destroy mankind.
A chorus of soft whispers drifted into her head, soothing her like an eerie lullaby. "Go beyond the door," the singsong voices urged.
"See all that was, and will ever be . . . See the truth."
She had no control . . . she was gliding through the door. A blast of air hit her, a billion molecules of realities rushing past her and into the world she had always known.
Surrounding her was infinity. She looked upon countless galaxies that stretch into a universe with no visible beginning or end.
Song of the Annunaki BookTrailier

Buy Song of the Annunaki at New Concepts Publishing

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